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Sunfire7: Read this topic.
Am I reading this right that on GOG is actually the version on Steam?
Sunfire7: Read this topic.
Pajama: Am I reading this right that on GOG is actually the version on Steam?
Pajama: Am I reading this right that on GOG is actually the version on Steam?
Sunfire7: yes
Thanks for the verification :)
high rated
Changelog for Patch / GOG-20602 (Windows) (added 08 May 2018):

This time around we fixed two recently reported issues: high level poison was applied incorrectly to arrows and Gaelius' troops accompanying him to the temple were too weak and didn't stand a chance against the Imperial Guards holding the Dead River pass.

While we were at it, we decided to integrate Sunfire's (who's a giant among men) most excellent and comprehensive mod into the core gameplay files.

The changelog is too long to include here, so here is a summary of fixes and improvements:
- Death screens and endings
- Quest and combat rewards (sp, cs, reputation)
- Minor consistency issues (when Faelan is killed or Ganezzar is taken)
- Map visuals, interaction, and passability
- Added proper banners and soldiers when House Aurelian or the Imperial Guards take Ganezzar.
- Typos and minor dialogue issues
- Russian and Spanish localization issues
Post edited May 19, 2018 by ggzx12
high rated
The Age of Decadence Changelog for Patch (Offline installers also updated)

(English Translation at the bottom)

La version Française est désormais disponible

La version française de The Age of Decadence est aujourd'hui disponible. Vous pouvez changer la langue dans le menu des Options (via la sélection déroulante du choix de langue). Si vous avez la moindre question sur le jeu ou ses mécaniques, postez-les dans le forum et nous répondrons au plus vite.

Nous tenons à remercier la communauté francophone qui a fourni un travail de longue haleine pendant 2 ans et demie, traduisant 600 000 mots de textes. Nous sommes profondément touchés et très, très reconnaissants de leurs efforts pour faire connaître le jeu à des gens qui autrement n'auraient pas pu y jouer. Leur travail acharné est un gage d'approbation et nous tenons à remercier tous ceux qui ont participé à ce projet. Nous espérons que de nombreux joueurs francophones qui aiment les RPG hardcore apprécieront également leurs efforts.

En cas d'incertitude quant à savoir si ce jeu vous convient ou non, veuillez prendre connaissance des éléments suivants :

1. Difficulté des combats

Vous n'êtes pas un puissant héros qui châtie des personnes mal intentionnées par dizaines, mais un homme (ou une femme) ordinaire. Vous serez en infériorité numérique et tactique, vous devrez donc apprendre à surmonter ces désavantages, ce qui pourrait demander un certain temps. Ce faisant, vous mourrez souvent, de nombreuses fois même. Si ce n'est pas votre conception d'un bon divertissement, vous risquez fort d'être très déçu.

2. Spécialisation requise

Les joueurs débutants devront éviter d'incarner un touche-à-tout (et bon à rien), peu importe la tentation lors de la création de votre personnage. Il s'agit du chemin le plus rapide vers la déception et l'abandon de colère. Vous devez vous spécialiser (combat ou diplomatie) jusqu'à être familier du système et de la conception globale pour être capable de faire plus avec moins.

3. Contenu verrouillé

Les compétences et statistiques de votre personnage, en plus de vos choix, déterminent ce qu'il peut ou ne peut pas faire, ce qui signifie que peu importe comment vous le développez puisque vous ne pourrez exceller dans tous les domaines à la fois et serez incapable de mener à bien toutes les quêtes annexes ou d'explorer tous les lieux. Si ce genre de chose vous dérange ou limite votre plaisir de quelque façon que ce soit, recherchez un jeu qui soit plus à votre goût.

English translation (courtesy of Google :) )

The French version is now available

The French version of The Age of Decadence is now available. You can change the language in the Options menu (via the drop-down selection of the language choice). If you have any questions about the game or its mechanics, post them in the forum and we will answer as soon as possible.

We would like to thank the Francophone community for providing a long-term job for 2 ½ years, translating 600,000 words of texts. We are deeply touched and very, very grateful for their efforts to make the game known to people who otherwise would not have been able to play it. Their hard work is a pledge of approval and we want to thank everyone involved in this project. We hope that many French players who love hardcore RPGs will also appreciate their efforts.

If you are uncertain whether this game is right for you or not, please read the following:

1. Difficulty fighting

You are not a powerful hero who chastises dozens of malicious people, but an ordinary man (or woman). You will be outnumbered and tactical, so you will have to learn to overcome these disadvantages, which may take some time. In doing so, you will often die many times. If this is not your conception of good entertainment, you are likely to be very disappointed.

2. Required specialization

Beginning players will have to avoid being a jack of all traders (and good for nothing), no matter how tempting you are when creating your character. This is the fastest way to disappointment and anger abandonment. You need to specialize (combat or diplomacy) to be familiar with the system and the overall design to be able to do more with less.

3. Locked content

The skills and statistics of your character, in addition to your choices, determine what he or she can or can not do, which means that no matter how you develop it since you will not be able to excel in all areas at once and will be unable to carry out any side quests or explore all the places. If this kind of thing bothers you or limits your enjoyment in any way, look for a game that is more to your liking.

Post edited October 04, 2019 by Pajama
Pajama: [snip]
That is awesome!! Glad to see such a great game accessible to more people.
Thank you very much for this french version!
Standalone installer updated: [Windows] ⇒
July '23 Update - Polish Localization

The title says it all - the AoD story can now be experienced in Polish, thanks to the tireless Polish community and their many months of work. If you always wanted street thugs to yell "Kurwa!" at you while in a knife fight, your dream just came true.
Use "Options -> Gameplay" menu to switch the language, and don't forget to check the credits screen to see who made this possible.