I don't use controllers, but quick visit next door to Steal their child's toy (Returned 5 mins later, awful toy)
Why would you want to?
Never mind, rhetorical question, user choice matters.
Most of all on PC, even if I don't understand why people would choose an inferior option.
To be clear, when I switched from PS2 to PC, I couldn't get the hang of K&M with games I'd already played, but first new game, I learned with K&M, it just worked better, and I've never touched a controller again, until today.
Quick play test later.
Default settings work just fine. As I suspected, seeing as you seem to be the only one with this problem, so the issue is something on your end, if a weird one,
You may have tried this, but I can only go off what is explicitly said in your post;
Default > Rebind > Reset
Try rebinding the keys back to default, rather than resetting, see if that works. If it does, great progress made.
Restart Game, Issue Returned?
No=Solved. Yes=Clue
How good are you with PC's, Noob? Power user? modder?
I must assume not tech savvy, until told otherwise.
Using Galaxy?
If so shut down Galaxy, we don't want it running when testing bugs, and not running it either eliminates, or targets it as the issue.
Start from exe instead
<Path to Game>\APlagueTaleRequiem_x64.exe The Default Dual Sense input file is
<Path to Game>\Input\Input_Dualsense_on_PC_00.xml Open in Notepad, or your preferred text editor, I usa Notepad++
Line 253
<Action ActionName="SHOOT" Flag="2" ValueEvent="0">
<KEY Information="R2">8</KEY>
This is the default setting, do you see this?
Note: no code tag on GOG forum, so formatting is not kept. I'm using quote BBCode instead, so edit that text manually if needed.
Read Only set on a file seems unlikely, but if you can make in game changes that work for the session, but reset after restart.
That's usually an indicator of a read only file.
Right click file, untick read Only box, to fix these.
That's the basics covered, I'd need your feedback on results to know which direction to take it further.